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Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical. - Health Canada


Les produits de vapotage contiennent de la nicotine.
La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. - Santé Canada

NEWS: Heritage Drive SW is NOW OPEN!
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Apple Mobile App Instructions

Due to Apple's policies in regards to apps related to vaping, please follow the instructions below.

1 - Create your account in-store and complete your profile on the in-store tablet.

2 - Download and install the TapMango mobile app.

3 - Sign up via the TapMango mobile app using the same email address you used to complete your profile on the in-store tablet.

4 - Log into your account in-store using the QR code in the mobile app.

5 - Your TapMango app will now automatically re-brand itself to Vape Express.